
Severum - Heros efasciatus


The Severum (Heros efasciatus) is known as the common severum - the fish pictured is actually a wild collected Heros notatus. H. efasciatus gets to about 12 inches (31 cm) and needs at least a 55 gallon aquarium or larger.


Scientific Name : Heros efasciatus
Common Names : Severum, Common Severum, Hero Cichlid
Severum Care Level : Easy to keep and will adjust to a relatively wide range of water parameters.
Size : 12 inches (31 cm)
Water Parameters : pH 6 - 8 | dH range: 5 - 25 | Temperature : 75°F - 85°F (24°C - 29°C)
Lifespan : 5 to 8 years, maybe longer
Origin / Habitat : South America, Amazon River basin and its tributaries (ref: fishbase)
Temperament / Behavior : May eat smaller fish as it grows and can become aggressive with other fish (it is a cichlid)
Severum Breeding : Can become quite aggressive during spawning. They are egg guarders and really need their own tank for breeding.
Aquarium Size : 55 gallons or larger
Compatible Tank Mates : Similar sized fish species, may fight with other cichlids
Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease
Diet / Foods : Food items in wild fish include plants, benthic algae, insects and other fish. A cichlid pellet food (cichlid sticks) can form the primary portion of its diet.
Tank Region : All over the aquarium.
Gender : May have to wait until they are mature and the males will have more spots on the face and gills.
Similar Species : Cichlids


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