Breeding zebra finches

Zebra finches
Zebra finches are lovable Birds which are easy too breed,male beak identified with dark orange and female beak with light orange..

White zebra finches

nest box

breeding age of zebra finches after 4months are recommended for breeding....
Provide nest box while breeding time and provide nesting material such as coconut fibre,straw or cotton....after that they will start to breed provide healthy feed while breeding time such as sprouts,millets,crushed eggs,paddy and veggies...after mating they will start lay egg after 7 to 10 days...they will lay daily one egg upto 5 to 8 eggs in a clutch...after 14days of period egg will start to hatch....thier parents will feed them whole will takes 28days for fledgling chicks...after that chicks will start to take feed by themselves...


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